

著者:シャオヤン 最終更新日:2022年07月28日

通常、VLOOKUP関数を使用すると、特定の値を検索して一致するアイテムを返すのは簡単です。 しかし、次のスクリーンショットに示すように、XNUMXつ以上の基準に基づいて複数の一致する値を返そうとしたことがありますか? この記事では、Excelでこの複雑なタスクを解決するためのいくつかの式を紹介します。




1。 結果を検索する空白のセルに、次の数式をコピーまたは入力します。

=INDEX($B$2:$B$11, SMALL(IF(COUNTIF($F$2, $C$2:$C$11)*COUNTIF($G$2, $D$2:$D$11), ROW($A$2:$D$11)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$D$11))+1), ROW(A1)), COLUMN(A1))

Note:上記の式では、 B2:B11 一致する値が返される列です。 F2, C2:C11 最初の条件と、最初の条件を含む列データです。 G2, D2:D11 XNUMX番目の条件とこの条件を含む列データです。必要に応じて変更してください。

2。 次に、 Ctrl + Shift + Enter キーを押して最初の一致する結果を取得し、最初の数式セルを選択して、エラー値が表示されるまで塗りつぶしハンドルをセルまでドラッグします。これで、一致するすべての値が次のスクリーンショットのように返されます。


=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$11, SMALL(IF($F$2=$D$2:$D$11, ROW($D$2:$D$11)-ROW($D$2)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" )


  • XNUMXつのカンマ区切りセルで複数のルックアップ値を返す
  • Excelでは、VLOOKUP関数を適用して、テーブルセルから最初に一致した値を返すことができますが、場合によっては、一致するすべての値を抽出してから、コンマ、ダッシュなどの特定の区切り文字で区切ってXNUMXつにする必要があります。次のスクリーンショットのようなセル。 ExcelのXNUMXつのカンマ区切りセルで複数のルックアップ値を取得して返すにはどうすればよいですか?
  • VlookupとGoogleスプレッドシートで一度に複数の一致する値を返す
  • Googleスプレッドシートの通常のVlookup関数は、特定のデータに基づいて最初に一致する値を見つけて返すのに役立ちます。 ただし、次のスクリーンショットに示すように、vlookupして一致するすべての値を返す必要がある場合があります。 Googleスプレッドシートでこのタスクを解決するための良い簡単な方法はありますか?
  • Vlookupとドロップダウンリストから複数の値を返す
  • Excelで、ドロップダウンリストから複数の対応する値をvlookupして返すにはどうすればよいですか。つまり、ドロップダウンリストからXNUMXつの項目を選択すると、次のスクリーンショットのようにすべての相対値が一度に表示されます。 この記事では、ソリューションを段階的に紹介します。
  • VlookupとExcelで垂直方向に複数の値を返す
  • 通常、Vlookup関数を使用して最初の対応する値を取得できますが、特定の基準に基づいて一致するすべてのレコードを返したい場合もあります。 この記事では、vlookupして、一致するすべての値を垂直方向、水平方向、またはXNUMXつのセルに返す方法について説明します。
  • VlookupとExcelのXNUMXつの値の間の一致するデータを返す
  • Excelでは、通常のVlookup関数を適用して、特定のデータに基づいて対応する値を取得できます。 ただし、次のスクリーンショットに示すように、vlookupして、XNUMXつの値の一致する値を返したい場合があります。Excelでこのタスクをどのように処理できますか?


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Hi, if there are duplicate values (e.g. two adams), how do i make sure that it only returns 1 adam and not 2?
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Hello, Bobby,
To extract only unique matching values, you should apply the below formula:
After pasting the formula, please press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the correct result.
=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$5, MATCH(0, COUNTIF(H1:$H$1, $B$2:$B$5)+IF($D$2:$D$5<>$G$2, 1, 0)+IF($C$2:$C$5<>$F$2, 1, 0), 0)), "")

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Thanks for posting these examples.
I'm trying to implement this in my own sheet, but don't get it to work (maybe because I'm using an europe version of excel)?

I want to get the dates of the days that I had my shifts or that I have worked 'some' (>0) hours for a client.

So in I3 is the name and in J3 the month. K3 and L3 are the shifts (1 is worked) and hours (don't know how to set this, should be more than zero)

My expected results are in:
Shifts: I7 and I8
hours: J7

So I worked more than 0 hours for 'person 2' in oktober on 3-10-2022
had shifts for person 2 on '10-10-2022' and 28-10-2022

When I add '=INDEX($B$2:$B$11, SMALL(IF(COUNTIF($F$2, $C$2:$C$11)*COUNTIF($G$2, $D$2:$D$11), ROW($A$2:$D$11)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$D$11))+1), ROW(A1)), COLUMN(A1))' in my excel sheet, it doesn't allow the comma between the different parts of the formula.
So I need to change them to ';'.
But when I try it it always says: '#NAME?'

So can someone help me with this?

Kind regards,

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First, thank you for sharing!

Can you please provide a solution to the case below:

I have 3 columns (A: Containing reference information, B: Containing information to be searched, C: Search result)

Image url is provided below


Column A-------------------------Column B------------Column C
File Name-------------------------Name----------------File Name, Document Name, Element Name, Name
Changed Element-----------------Element--------------Changed Element, Element Name, Element ID
Column Location
Document Name
Element Name
Element ID

What I need is to search in column A for any partial match with cell B2 (Name) or B3 (Element) and get the result in one cell,

Thank you, Behzad
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Hello, Behzad
Maybe the below User Defined Function can help you.
Public Function ConcatPartLookUp(rngInput As Range, rngSource As Range, Optional strDelimiter As String, Optional blCaseSensitive)
Dim rng As Range
If strDelimiter = "" Then strDelimiter = ","
If IsMissing(blCaseSensitive) Then
    blCaseSensitive = False
    blCaseSensitive = True
End If
For Each rng In rngSource
    If blCaseSensitive Then
        If InStr(1, rng.Value, rngInput.Value, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then ConcatPartLookUp = ConcatPartLookUp & strDelimiter & rng.Value
        If InStr(1, rng.Value, rngInput.Value, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then ConcatPartLookUp = ConcatPartLookUp & strDelimiter & rng.Value
    End If
If Len(ConcatPartLookUp) > 0 Then ConcatPartLookUp = Mid(ConcatPartLookUp, 2, Len(ConcatPartLookUp))
End Function

After copying and pasting this code, and then use this formula:=ConcatPartLookUp(B2,$A$2:$A$8) to get the result you need.
Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Heyi, thank you for the formula. It worked for "fixed" values / text as criterias. However, one of the criterias i'm trying to use is a condition (values <>0 ), but does not work the described formula. Do you guys know what should i change to adapt the formula so I can have a condition as one of the criterias, please?


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Hello, Marcus
To solve your problem, please view this article:
There are some detailed explanations of this task. You just need to change the criteira to your own.
Thank you!
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if in cell H1 i write "Name" and wanted to link that with the formula, how would that work?
Then I could write "ID" in cell H1 and would automatically get as a result: AA1004; DD1009; PP1023 (for the first formula)

Thank you in advance!
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Hello, Marie
Sorry, i can't get the point of your first problem, could you explain your problem more clearly and detailedly? Or you can insert a screenshot here to describe your problem.
As for the second question, you just need to change the cell reference as this:
=INDEX($A$2:$A$11, SMALL(IF(COUNTIF($F$2, $C$2:$C$11)*COUNTIF($G$2, $D$2:$D$11), ROW($A$2:$D$11)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$D$11))+1), ROW(A1)), COLUMN(A1))

Remeber to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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what would be needed to expand the first formula in the following case:
Some IDs are Blank (e.g. cell A5 is blank) and I would like an additional condition outputting lines only when the IDs are not blank. (So the output should then be James and Abdul.
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Hello, Jo,
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
=INDEX($B$2:$B$11, SMALL(IF(COUNTIF($F$2, $C$2:$C$11)*COUNTIF($G$2, $D$2:$D$11)*($A$2:$A$11<>0), ROW($A$2:$D$11)-MIN(ROW($A$2:$D$11))+1), ROW(A1)), COLUMN(A1))

Please have a ry, hope it can help you!
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ive tried using the formula and it either generates a value of 0 or the image attached
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Hello, Milku
Your screenshot showed WPS software of MAC version, so I am not sure whether our formula is available.
I uploaded an Excel file to here, you can try to see if it can calculate correctly in you environment.
Thank you!
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When I use the second formula and drag down, nothing appears. The formula result (fx) says it should be returning something but it is blank. How do I correct this?
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Hello Alysia,

Glad to help. I tried the second formula in the article and drag the formula down, the rest of results were returned. I think there may be two reasons for your problem. First, maybe you forget to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys to enter the formula. Second, the matching result is only one, so no other results are not returned. Please have a check.

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I was wondering if it at all possible to enter a 2nd criteria but from the same range as the 1st criteria,

For example with the used example above i would like to search for the names of people from both America and France So cell F3 would have France, Scarlett & Andrew would also populate in the list in Column G

Thank you for assistance in advance.
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Hello Nick,

Glad to help. If you want to get the names of people from both America and France, I advise you to use our formula twice to get the result. Please see the screenshot, In F2 and G2 are values "United States" and "France". Apply formula =IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$11, SMALL(IF($F$2=$D$2:$D$11, ROW($D$2:$D$11)-ROW($D$2)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" ) to get the results for America. And apply formula =IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$11, SMALL(IF($G$2=$D$2:$D$11, ROW($D$2:$D$11)-ROW($D$2)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" ) to get the results for France. It's simple. Please have a try.

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In the first example, what change to the formula would be needed to return everyone who was less than 28 years old?
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