

著者:シャオヤン 最終更新日:2020年07月03日

Excelの列または行からn番目の空白でないセル値を見つけて返すにはどうすればよいですか? この記事では、このタスクを解決するためのいくつかの便利な式について説明します。



矢印青い右バブル 数式を使用して列からn番目の非空白セル値を見つけて返す


doc は n 番目の非空白 1 を見つけます

次の式を入力してください: =INDEX($A$1:$A$25,SMALL(ROW($A$1:$A$25)+(100*($A$1:$A$25="")), 3))&"" 結果を出力する空白のセル、たとえばD2に入力し、を押します。 Ctrl + Shift + Enter 正しい結果を得るために一緒にキーを押します。スクリーンショットを参照してください。

doc は n 番目の非空白 2 を見つけます

Note:上記の式では、 A1:A25 使用したいデータリストとその数 3 返す3番目の非空白セル値を示します。2番目の非空白セルを取得する場合は、必要に応じて数値XNUMXをXNUMXに変更する必要があります。

矢印青い右バブル 数式を使用して行からn番目の非空白セル値を見つけて返します


次の式を入力します。 =INDEX($A$1:$M$1,SMALL(IF($A$1:$M$1<>"",COLUMN($A$1:$M$1)-COLUMN($A$1)+1),4)) 結果を検索する空白のセルに移動し、を押します Ctrl + Shift + Enter キーを合わせて結果を取得します。スクリーンショットを参照してください。

doc は n 番目の非空白 3 を見つけます

注: 上記の式では、 A1:M1 使用する行の値とその数です 4 は、返す4番目の非空白セル値です。2番目の非空白セルを取得する場合は、必要に応じて数値XNUMXをXNUMXに変更する必要があります。


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I'm running this formula on a ~400 row sheet with around 20 blanks mixed throughout the data, and it's working perfectly EXCEPT when I fill the series down, it sometimes duplicates a row for some reason. For example, it seems to think a value is somehow simultaneously the 331st non-blank and the 332nd.

Things I've noticed:
-Duplications always happen in pairs (ex. 331 and 332 are duplicates, 333 and 334 will also be), then it goes back to normal for a while.
-Raw data also has blanks in pairs, but not corresponding to the duplicates
-No duplications occur in the first 94 rows, but they happen every 33-35 rows after that
-Does not appear to be linked to the value in the cell being duplicated
-I have entered as an array and as a standard formula, no difference in function

For reference, here's my actual formula:

=INDEX('PO Raw Data'!CR:CR,SMALL(ROW('PO Raw Data'!CR:CR)+(100*('PO Raw Data'!CR:CR="")),$W2)&"")

Note $W2 refers to a helper column and counts up as the data set is filled down, but only because I couldn't get it to count up when I just used a number instead of cell reference.
When I've replaced that cell reference (ex. $W2) with the appropriate number, same result.

Any thoughts on what I can do to fix that?
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very helpful,
although when I return the nth non blank cell in a column set to DATE, the returned value appears as number(general number).formatting the cell into DATE also doesn't change the result. could you please give me a hand!
thanks a lot
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Hello, Shirazi,
Sorry, maybe there is no direct formula for you to get the date format.

If someone else has the solution, please comment here.
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Hi everyone!

Could you also help me return the row number of the second, third non-blank cell?

Please help me.
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Hello, John,
the following formula can help you to get all the row numbers of the non-blank cells, please try it, thank you!
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Hey everyone,

I have a table with numerous columns and rows. The rows have range names, and a description/location at the beginning of the row range with its own range, example "Building No.s". There are multiple Row Ranges/ Buildings. There are headers at the top of each columns for specific "Building Assembly Types". The table content is numeric quantities for each type "Building Assembly Type" for each specific "Building" description/location. There could be as many as (100) "Building Assembly Types" column headers but I will limit the assemblies to (10) per row range, so there will be numerous blank cells in each "Building No." range.

I have other summary tables set up for each "Building" that I want to pull the non-blank cells quantities to, along with the corresponding header "Assembly Type" for each "Building" with a (10) max "Assemblies" per page.

I can identify the non-blank cell quantities by use of the array formula above for rows. The problem I am having is identifying the header that corresponds to it.

Ultimately if I can identify the "Assembly" header, I can always index the "Quantities" once I have the header "Assembly" identified for each "Building". Then I would be able do a lookup for all the parts associated with each "Assembly" type for that "Building" from my Assembly parts database and multiply it times the "Quantity" of each assembly type.

Hopefully this makes since and someone can help.
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Hello, I am looking for the third blank row in a column and I copied your formula and just changed the range from $A$1:$A:$25 to my range $D$306:$D$354. But when I change the range I get #REF! as my answer. I already converted to an array, control-shift-enter. Now the cell range I am referencing has formulas in them, so could that be why I am getting #REF. Your formula: =INDEX($A$1:$A$25,SMALL(ROW($A$1:$A$25)+(100*($A$1:$A$25="")), 3))&"" My formula: =INDEX($D$306:$D$354,SMALL(ROW($D$306:$D$354)+(1*($D$306:$D$354="")), 2))&"" Thanks, Noel
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you have put the 1 instead of 100 therefore answered was wrong. please use below formula

INDEX($D$306:$D$354,SMALL(ROW($D$306:$D$354)+(100*($D$306:$D$354="")), 3))&"" than ctrl + shift+enter
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