

作者: シルヴィア 最終更新日:2020年07月22日

通常、金曜日はXNUMXか月の最後の就業日です。 Excelで特定の日付に基づいて、最初または最後の金曜日をどのように見つけることができますか? この記事では、毎月第XNUMX金曜日または最終金曜日を見つけるためにXNUMXつの数式を使用する方法について説明します。



たとえば、以下のスクリーンショットに示すように、セルA1に1年2015月2日の特定の日付があります。 指定された日付に基づいて月の第XNUMX金曜日を検索する場合は、次のようにしてください。

1.結果を表示するセルを選択します。 ここでは、セルC2を選択します。

2.以下の数式をコピーして貼り付け、を押します。 入力します キー。





2.数式で、A2は指定された日付が配置されている参照セルです。 ニーズに合わせて変更できます。



1.セルを選択し、以下の数式をコピーして、を押します。 入力します 結果を得るための鍵。






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Kutools for Excel で Excel スキルを強化し、これまでにない効率を体験してください。 Kutools for Excelは、生産性を向上させ、時間を節約するための300以上の高度な機能を提供します。  最も必要な機能を入手するにはここをクリックしてください...



  • Word、Excel、PowerPointでタブ付きの編集と読み取りを有効にする、パブリッシャー、アクセス、Visioおよびプロジェクト。
  • 新しいウィンドウではなく、同じウィンドウの新しいタブで複数のドキュメントを開いて作成します。
  • 生産性を 50% 向上させ、毎日何百回もマウス クリックを減らすことができます!
Comments (12)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Even shorter 😅
Where "WeekDay" parameter is 1=Monday, 7=Sunday
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I forgot a bracket at the end
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Vậy công thức tính thứ sáu tuần thứ 2 của tháng như thế nào vậy ban?
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Hi Tâm Cao Điền,
Suppose you want to calculate the second friday of the month based on the given date in A1, you can try the following formula:
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porque cuando lo pruebo tal cual me sale error ?
o sea estoy copiando y pegando y no funciona

alguien sabe?
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Hi andre,
Can you tell me which formula you used in the post? And what error your are experiencing?
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Why not make the "last Friday" formula: =CEILING(EOMONTH(A2,0)-5,7)-1? That works for all dates I have tried....
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Hi Eric,
I hop you are still on this forum and receive my reply.
Thanks so much for an EASY formula. I've never encountered =CEILING.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Hi Eric,
Thanks for sharing it.
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Hello and thank you for this formula. I am not an Excel guru and acnnot easily work out how to change this formula for the last Friday to be the Last Monday, or any other day. Can you please explain how to interpret this.
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The way the formula works is: First we find the last day of the month with the EOMONTH() function. For the last day of the current month, we use "0" as the month offset. For the previous month, it would be -1. (Either "=EOMONTH(A2,0)" or "=EOMONTH(A2,-1)".)

Then, in the "=CEILING()" function, we subtract the number of days required to bring us back to Sunday from the day for which we are searching. (For Tuesday, it would be -2, so we make the formula so far: "=CEILING(EOMONTH(A2,0)-2...."

We use the "significance" value of "7" because weeks are seven days long (of course).This finds the date of either the previous Saturday, or the following Saturday (Excel dates started with 1/1/1900, which was a Sunday. So if you enter a "1" in cell A2 with the Long Date format, the cell would read: "Sunday, January 1, 1900".). For that reason, the =CEILING() function, using "7" as the "significance" argument returns Saturday, which is always a multiple of 7 in Excel. Now the formula is "=CEILING(EOMONTH(A2,0)-2,7...".

Now we need to return the date to a Tuesday, so we either subtract 4 for the last Tuesday of the month, or add 3 for the first Tuesday of the next month. So the final formula is, respectively, either "=CEILING(EOMONTH(A2,0)-2,7)-4" or "=CEILING(EOMONTH(A2,0)-2,7)+3".

We can work through the math by assuming the last day of the month is either a Monday (assume its value is 9 - for ease of illustration, so the values do not go negative) or a Wednesday (assume value 11). "EOMONTH()" will return either of those days (9 or 11). Subtracting 2 results in the previous Saturday (value 7) or Monday (value 9), respectively. The CEILING() function then returns, respectively, the previous Saturday (value 7, because the ceiling of 7 with significance 7 is 7) or the current Saturday (value 14, because the ceiling of 9, significance 7, is 14). Subtracting 4 results in the previous Tuesday (value 3) or the current week's Tuesday (value 10), respectively. For the first Tuesday of the following month, adding 3 to the Saturday value (7 or 14) returns either Tuesday value 10, or Tuesday value 17, respectively.

Hopefully that helps you understand so that you can modify the formula as necessary. You can even change it to find the second Tuesday, or second to last Tuesday, by adding or subtracting an additional 7, respectively.
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Hi Matt,
You just need to change the last number -7 to -1 to solove the problem.
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