

作者: シルヴィア 最終更新日:2020年04月28日

左のスクリーンショットに示されているように、特定の数値5が特定の数値範囲内にある場合、隣接するセルに値を返す方法。 この記事の数式メソッドは、それを実現するのに役立ちます。




1.空白のセルを選択し、数式を入力します = VLOOKUP(E2、A2:C8,3、TRUE) 数式バーに入力し、を押します 入力します キー。 スクリーンショットを参照してください:


注:数式では、E2は指定された数値を含むセルであり、A2:C8は指定された数値に基づいて返される数値範囲と値を含み、数値3は、返される値がの2番目の列にあることを意味します。範囲A8:CXNUMX。 必要に応じて変更してください。



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スーパールックアップ: 複数の基準の VLookup    複数の値の VLookup  |   複数のシートにわたる VLookup   |   ファジールックアップ ....
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Kutools for Excel で Excel スキルを強化し、これまでにない効率を体験してください。 Kutools for Excelは、生産性を向上させ、時間を節約するための300以上の高度な機能を提供します。  最も必要な機能を入手するにはここをクリックしてください...



  • Word、Excel、PowerPointでタブ付きの編集と読み取りを有効にする、パブリッシャー、アクセス、Visioおよびプロジェクト。
  • 新しいウィンドウではなく、同じウィンドウの新しいタブで複数のドキュメントを開いて作成します。
  • 生産性を 50% 向上させ、毎日何百回もマウス クリックを減らすことができます!
Comments (14)
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Bom dia!

É possível determinar algum parâmetro dentro do Range.

Quero fazer o PROCV trazer de um intervalo, porém ele acaba retornando valores de CEPs que não existem, mas que estão muito próximos...


Na tabela existe a faixa de CEP 68795000 A 68796999 que é do estado do Pará
Ao utilizar as formula sugeridas, resulta como "verdadeiro" para a faixa de CEP 69301000 A 69390971 que é do estado de Roraima, devido a proximidade da numeração.
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Hi Nilton Vanini,
I don't quite understand your question. Do you mind uploading a screenshot of your data? Sorry for the inconvenience.
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This seems to also work with text. I got this to work with exact value rather than a range by using the "Value" column as part of the range in the formula.

My question is, are you forced to use 2 columns or is it possible to only use 1 and the value column?

I created a master sheet to call from but this is how I setup the formla

=VLOOKUP(I2,'Master Sheet'!$A$2:$B$53,2,TRUE)

Column "I" text (Number column in the example), I was forced to have a range so column "B" is both the Range and Value.

Is this best practice or would I run into unexpected issues down the road if more line items are added to this list?
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Hi Andrew,
You may need to upload a screenshot of your data. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Bonjour je cherche à vérifier si une de mes valeurs correspond à une plage de données, le problème est que je n'ai pas qu'une valeur à vérifier mais une longue liste. J'aimerais que si une des 3 valeurs suivantes que je tape dans une case (exemple "panneau";"Strat";"chants") correspondent à une plage de données, elles 's'affichent en rouge par exemple. Sauriez vous me renseigner ? Merci.
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Yo quiero devolver 1, si se encuentra en un rango de numeros determinados, ej. el rango es de 4 a 10, y en la celda tengo 5, devolver 1, pero si tengo 2 o 15, devolver 0.
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Hi Daili,
If you just want to check if a number exists in a given range and return a specified value, you can combine IF with AND functions to get it done.
Suppose the number 4 is in cell A9, the number 10 is in cell B9, the number you want to determine if it exists between 4 and 10 is locateed in D9, you can apply the following formula to get the correct result.
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Can you do a lookup searching a range of 3digit zips (i.e. 010-013 or 280-283,286,297) and pull in the city / state from your zip code list. The zip code list is all 3 digit zips in US broken out individually. The zips are listed multiple times because there are several city / state combinations. (i.e. 010 Ludlow MA; 010 Plamer MA etc).
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The value works on the first cell. How do you do it for the entire column cell?
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You will need to use $ for the lookup cells values
So if you have a column of values you want to look up you would modify the formula as follows:
=VLOOKUP(E2,$A$2:$C$8,3, TRUE)

E2 would change as you fill down but the table you are looking up from will remain constant
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awesome, thanks!
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Doesn't work. if only it was that simple, wouldn't need to be googling for this
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It obviously does. Instead of whining and trying to be a smartass about it, you could have at least tried it out.
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It does. Try it out before rudely complaining, simple as that.
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